-У Алиссы будет операция на бедре, поэтому 1 этап ; Надеюсь, наша куколка поправится и сможет нормально войти в сезон.
-Пол-Ислам лето проведут в тренировочном лагере DSC (и чтобы это значило? присматриваются к Паскуале с Анжеликой? у них и так толпа)
-Тесса и Скотт, как все знают, поучаствовали в SOI, спонсором тура был Lindt, и в их шоколадном бутике были все meet and greet . Так вот, девочка с FSU (которая Джесс) , собрала кучу пожеланий для них в книжку-открытку, я тоже отправила послание от всех русских фанов . :
история в картинках
Лапочки были очень растроганы, всё прочитали, Тесса аж прослезилась
Tessa became a little emotional. Slightly teary. I went to take a picture with them around the table and she said to wait a moment because she wanted to hug me. And then Scott said "me too!!!!"
Вот что написали Т и С на офицальной открытке:
их Q & A , из которых ясно, что Скотти хочет дочку, а Тесса- это любимый аксессуар, который всегда стоит брать с собой, особенно на соревнования, ну и Тесса обожает "Малера"
Q & A with Scott Moir
You and Tessa already debuted “The Goose” earlier this year. If you could invent another move inspired by an animal, what would it be?
It would depend on the move, but hopefully something Canadian.
If you could trade places with anybody in the world, who would it be?
My brother because that would mean I would have a beautiful daughter.
Can you pick out a moment during your childhood when you first realized that you wanted to be a professional skater?
Watching the 2002 Olympics and Jamie (Salé and Dave (Pelletier) made me take my skating seriously. I realized that would be me.
The Summer Olympics are coming up soon…which sports are you most excited to watch?
I love the 100-meter dash.
Is there an item that you MUST bring with you while traveling?
Tessa mostly. Especially when we compete.
What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not skating?
Be in Ilderton with the people I love.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would like to fly. I mean – who wouldn’t?
Do you have a favorite performance from your career, and if so, do you still find yourself going back and watching videos of it?
I watch videos of myself only for homework. My favorite performance is yet to come.
Q & A with Tessa Virtue
The Tour is making a stop in your hometown of London. Does performing in the city where you grew up create a sense of nostalgia?
Absolutely! Scott and I love skating at the JLC – there is such a warm feeling of hometown love and support. It is also a wonderful opportunity to perform for family and friends with the pressure of competition.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would love to speak every language! Either that or have the ability to teleport.
You and Scott have visited so many interesting places…what’s the first thing you do when you arrive in a new city?
Shop! And people watch.
Do you have any guilty pleasure TV shows or songs that you like to listen to?
I hate to admit it, but I watch The Bachelor (albeit, I am cringing and covering my face with embarrassment the whole time).
If you could only perform one of your past routines for the rest of your career, which one would it be?
Mahler (our Olympic free dance).
If you could have any career other than skating, what would it be?
If I wasn’t an athlete, I’d love to be involved in the fashion industry somehow.
The Summer Olympics are coming up soon…which sports are you most excited to watch?
I love watching track & field, diving, gymnastics, swimming … the list goes on! I will definitely be glued to my TV screen watching all of the 2012 events in London this summer.